Harmony Labs + Story Strategy Group
Creating experimental social media concepts and content to fuel research to help inform and guide a wide-ranging, multi-year philanthropic effort to advance racial equity in American healthcare systems.
CLIENT: Harmony Labs and Liz Manne Strategy led a wide-ranging audience-narrative architecture project funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and focused on changing health equity narratives in America.
KEY ELEMENTS: Narrative Change, Content Development, Creative, Messaging
CHALLENGE: In 2022, Millennium was asked to participate in the RWJF-funded Health Equity Narratives Project. As the nation’s largest philanthropy dedicated solely to health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has been working to help achieve health equity with transformed healthcare and public health systems that are fair and just. The project was tasked with construction of a wide-ranging audience-narrative architecture that would allow RWJF and its partners to develop content that can change health equity narratives. You can explore the findings in project leader Harmony Labs' full report.
SOLUTION: Guided by the results of a wide-ranging audience and narrative research effort by Harmony Labs and Liz Manne Strategy, Millennium partnered with creative firm Kaze Design and art collective DC Sparkle Squad to develop dozens of experimental pieces of social media content which were then tested to validate the efficacy of the stories to move audiences as part of a larger effort to provide advocates for health justice with more effective narrative strategies to advance racial equity in health and healthcare systems.