Gran Tierra Energy

Helping a multinational energy company communicate its sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance performance to a broad range of local, national and global stakeholders.

Woman sitting on a bench in front of flowers and art
Trees reflected in water
Industrial welding

CLIENT: Gran Tierra Energy Inc. (GTE) is an international exploration and production company with operations in three countries. The Gran Tierra aims to have a meaningful and sustainable impact through social investments within the communities near our operations. GTE is headquartered in Calgary, Canada.

KEY ELEMENTS: Stakeholder Engagement, Corporate Social Responsibility, Photography, Content Development, Creative Production

CHALLENGE: As a rapidly growing company, one of GTE’s ongoing commitments is to communicate its record of responsible governance, operational excellence, environmental stewardship and social investment, ensuring that government and corporate partners, employees, contractors, and investors are appropriately informed about the company’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.

SOLUTION: Since 2016, we have produced Gran Tierra Energy’s annual Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Reports. The report provides visibility into many aspects of the project and features the perspectives of staff, leadership, and third party stakeholders like government representatives, community leaders, and beneficiaries of the company’s programs. To accomplish this, we work closely with GTE staff on the entire process including strategy & message development, field work, data & story collection, photography, writing, design & production, and translation.

Gran Tierra Energy 2021 Sustainability Report

Gran Tierra Energy 2020 Sustainability Report

Gran Tierra Energy 2019 Sustainability Report

Gran Tierra Energy 2018 Sustainability Report

Gran Tierra Energy 2017 Sustainability Report

Gran Tierra Energy 2016 Sustainability Report


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